At Home in a Rental House

When you invite a guest to your home you are promising to share something of yours. The exact details of how you came to be in that space are of little concern to company.

# Home

We welcome visitors by providing a few things we know will be needed. A house number, for example. Or a coat closet by the door.

Our wiki home similarly requires some attention to convention. The welcome page offers a few standard links like How To Wiki and Recent Changes. We can remove these just as we could seal the coat closet but that doesn't make for a good welcome.

Our wiki home visitors similarly expect to be introduced to the family and offered a cup of coffee before they feel welcome. Not real coffee, actually, but symbolic coffee when we name what we do and share.

# House

We acquire a house to call home by various means. This matters little to your eventual guests but it matters a lot to you when you are first setting up housekeeping.

Rent or buy? Condo? Mortgage? Taxes? These are all issues for the home owner and take on similar forms for our wiki home.

Datacenter economics makes it possible for one to rent space and then set up a "multi-tenant software service" for five or ten dollars a month. That renter will be our wiki home landlord. Hopefully you will have a nice one. But his costs will be so low that your rent could be free.