We take up residency at university in order to become a more complete person and to acquire appreciation for the complexities of the modern world. We live in the most modest accommodations because the intellectual life of campus is our new home.
The classroom, study hall and library all have their equivalents in a rich wiki world. We take from each new parts to assemble an enlightened world view.
We might make a wiki home for each new area of study or even each new class we take. This sounds like wasted work when we could just clone the library. But as we will see of all wiki, it is the making that builds the skills to advance our culture beyond its status quo.
Reddy warns us not to overvalue written works versus the skill required to interpret them. He says, The only way to preserve culture is to train people to rebuild it, to "regrow" it, as the word "culture" itself suggests, in the only place it can grow - within themselves. See Conduit Metaphor